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Inviato il: Lunedì, 09-Ago-2021, 16:51
Quote Post


Gruppo: Members
Messaggi: 39
Utente Nr.: 416
Iscritto il: 26-Feb-2021

Imagine what would happen if all the bars in the world disappeared at the same time. It would be a global catastrophe. They all fell on a railing, whether it was on the edge of the porch, on a patio overlooking the ocean, or on a cliff in the Grand Canyon. Children stagger from balconies and people with disabilities and the elderly can get stuck on stairs.

Although many of us use guardrails every day, we usually don't think about their importance for safety. Railings seem to complement the design of our balconies and terraces and are a convenient place to hang flower beds, lamps or posters. We like to trust them, but it often goes without saying that our gratings are strong, sturdy and the right size. We are therefore here today to remind you of the importance of the network for security.
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